Improving Access to Rural Healthcare in Nepal


menstrual pad project

CCF’s Menstrual Pad Project (MPP) is an initiative developed to break down barriers for girls and women. An evolving program, it offers a mixture of three approaches:

  1. CCF trains women to sew reusable menstrual pad kits creating jobs, providing income, and promoting skills development. All of the kits that CCF distributes are purchased from these women.

  2. Believing local leaders understand their communities better, CCF organizes intensive leadership trainings for women to become menstruation education trainers in their own communities.

  3. CCF funds informational day-long menstrual education programs, led by Nepali women, for girls and women to discuss menstruation, sanitation, environmental issues, and the breaking of cultural taboos. Participants in these programs each receive a reusable menstrual pad kit provided by CCF and a CCF funded manual, written in simple Nepali with diagrams explaining menstruation.


Baseri clinic

Eight of the world’s tallest peaks are packed into the small country of Nepal. To say it’s landscape is diverse is an understatement. The country is amazingly beautiful, but the terrain is extreme and poor infrastructure makes travel between cities and villages arduous. In rural areas, when the nearest treatment can be a day’s walk or more away, even the simplest health issues have the potential to turn debilitating or fatal.  

CCF is working to turn this monumental task around by building and supporting rural healthcare clinics. When such facilities are present, not only can these threats be addressed, it can also serve as a platform from which to educate communities about the prevention of such issues. Our flagship clinic was built in central Nepal’s Baseri village. Learn more about this story and the clinic we built—twice!